Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Day Progress

A belated Happy New Year from all of us. And as it's New Year's day, and the wife had to work, I decide I'd spend some time working on the layout while it's quiet. After fixing the dryer and looking at the vacumn's lack of suction. You gotta do what you gotta do for domestic tranquility...

The Layout: I 'finished' the corner in the back of Bedford Cut, as it has been far too long with the "rough" look. 



I've squared off the street in front of the Bakery, with an eventual plan (that I'll get too), as the area just needed a little more 'something'. It also means a space for another structure, which was kind of driving the whole job anyway:

The view of the important parts (track view), but before I'd replaced the structures:

I've also been contemplating something that's missing; a way for my citizens to get to the depot! In my mind is an old wooden bridge, leading to a lane off the layout, and behind the depot. I've seen a few I like in train videos, and the N-Scale primer had a variation of this as well. So it's always in my view so to speak. I'm just not sure if I want to block the view of the depot. But then again, a rickety wooden bridge would be a nice touch...

The concept shot:

I need to build a better mock-up to see how the idea sets in my head, using the board and scrap plastic tubing for the legs perhaps.

More to follow!