I just realized I never updated the progress on the scenery; I've colored the slope and tidied up the ground area near the junction; I'll have to snap that tonight...
[Place Holder]
And I've been slowly adding lights to the structures, as I really think it NEEDS to be done when they are in your face. So this morning I finished the wiring for three of the four lighted areas in the DPM "Reeds Books"; part of the second floor Condo, and the access area/stairwell on the right:
There is a bedroom window lighted up that you can only see from the back. I want to experiment with the effect of that light on a night scene, and it (the room) also has some furnishings, so since LEDs never "burn out" (so far) it might end up in a different position one day. I have a picture but can't seem to find it right now; I'll add it later.
I figure if I move along, instead of random "doing", it will be a better scene. So next up is the tall "Department Store" behind this one, then the cafe to the left (barely visible).
For control I'm considering using DIP switches mounted on the fascia, similar to this:
That way I can alter the scene with a minimum amount of set-up or hassle; simple solder these to a board, and connect the power to a bus on one side, and wire the lights to the board off the switch, with a common return.
Since some are lighted with 12 volt "strip mounted" units, and some are individual LEDs, I'll probably run the power at nine volts, and use resistors in series with the individual LEDs...
More to follow!