Saturday, November 5, 2016

Getting Back to the Layout After a Wonderful Summer

Since the last update I have been very busy on other fronts; changed jobs twice (another contract, and a permanent role now), as well as spending some quality time back home in the good ol' US of A! When not working or travelling, other "summer" activities ate up  my free time, and while enjoyable, did not leave much time to work on the layout.

Two major events occurred that have made a huge difference on the layout project, one visibly, and one operationally.

1. Visual Improvments - Bedford Valley grows!

I managed to acquire a failrly large haul of N scale structure and rolling stock kits through a friend on Ohio. I had these shipped to a relative's house in the states so I could sort through them to ship them more economically, and made several that were of no use to me available to other local modellers.

Included in this were several Magnuson Models resin kits, two of which will add some character and "back home" real estate to the now larger City of Bedford Valley

Bedford Valley 2.0 - The City Grows!

In addition, during recent months a number of very good quality N Scale city structures have released as well, allowing me to expand the footprint of the City of Bedford Valley. The townhouses will move to the left of the structures here, between them and the Downtown Deco kits that will transition the city image into industrial uses.

Expanded Bedford Valley

Expanded and reorganized following acquisitions, there will be more American buildings present, as well as a few taller structures to up the skyline a little.

The control panel installation has also meant changes in the city footprint in the foreground of the layout:

Future Site of Red's Bar
The fascia allowed me to widen the city area enough to place a small structure on this corner; I had been agonizing over where to place this small structure for weeks, and once it is lighted, will be in a perfect place to show it off.

2. Operational Developments:

While attending the International N Gauge show this year (and meeting up with fellow N scaler Andy (a.k.a. Texhorse)) I discovered a small vendor offering some some very interesting, practically plug and play control boards for turnout control...

Dave that runs the operation with his wife Shiela, and gave some very clear and helpful demonstrations of their product line, which can control up to 192 turnouts through linked boards, and 192 programmed routes using a panel processor.

Accessory boards can be chained to the system to power frogs through relays, or provide auxiliary controlled power based on the throw.

How far I will go with this option is not clear, but at £60 (approximately $75) to control 12 turnouts, and an additional £72  (approximately $90) if I want to add automated power routing (which I am also testing via a double or triple pole toggle switch to drive the turnouts). The system is modular, so I can easily "just" power the servos at present, and add the relay cards if I wish to add route control later, without having to do a major electrical engineering project.

At the current exchange rate it means I can save a few dollars on twelve installations, and just over the cost of the twelve single control boards I can add the relays and have a foundation for route control. The major benefits are a local supply, and the ability to build up the features in a modular manner, rather than commit to everything up front. 

Where might this lead?

Single boards are great for the mainline away from the control panel on the larger layout. The MegaPoints system lends itself to the more congested yard areas and smaller layout. I'll have to doodle with routing to determine how far I might want it to go, but certainly lends itself to freight and passenger yard operation, to pick from up to 192 routes through a station and freight yard for example.

It has meant track gang has been called back to work, to facilitate mounting of turnouts and motors in the industrial area, after a rather long hiatus.

Turnout Repair Time

Some of the soldered joints were not very strong, and resisted resoldering them,. I ended up replacing the frog and all ties past connected to it and beyond.

Hole Cut for Turnout Motor

New servos, and new controller boards, mean I can make progress on this neglected projected again, and hopefully get trains running through here under their own power soon...

More Turnout Motor Mounting

These turnouts have not even been built yet, and this will be the next extension of completed track, the old power plant sidings.

I'll continue to plug away at it, and add another update once a few of the works in progress are completed...

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Control Panel Construction: phase two

As some of you know I have been spending far too much time in the bathroom lately. Renovating, not as a fan! Unfortunately the only slack time I had to work that in to was layout time. So progress has been slow.

Until today.

Next week I'll hopefully get to start tiling, if a supplier pulls their finger out, but this weekend I got to spend some time working on my layout at home. And control panels were the project of choice.

 The Plan for the Center End of the Layout

The most complex arrangement of control switches will go here. The end of the layout will have three panels; west end of branch, industrial tracks, and east end of branch.

Ready to Begin

Simple tools; a square, a pencil, and the plan...

 West End Branch Panel

I drew half-inch grid lines on the panel board, then plotted the track lines. One half inch is about the minimum for two toggles switches to be mounted side by side. Dots are for turnout control switches.

West End Branch Panel with Power Control Switch Placement

I added dots where track power switches will be placed. The spur in the center will lead directly to another turnout on the industrial track...

 Center Panel Prior to Drilling

Center panel for the industrial tracks; most of this has not been laid yet as it is code 40 hand laid!

East End of the Branch

Third panel for this location; very simple, but mostly just keeping the fascia complete. Turnout is not powered yet, and way down in the list.

All Three Panels In Place

I put the panels back in place as I was not ready to start drilling them yet, and felt they were safest out of the way where they belong. The switches hanging under the panel on the left power the branch line turnouts, and will be mounted once the holes are drilled.

Hopefully I will get the opportunity to drill some of the holes and mount the switches that are already installed, to get them to where they need to be. Then it is on to soldering track power control switches to give me the ability to switch tracks between DC and DCC, something I have been wanting to do for a very long time!

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Control Panel Construction - phase one

And they have to start somewhere. In this case, it's the framework:

First section of control panel frame in place

This will give me a great mounting for the control panel and ad about an inch or so of city space on the front of the layout.

Lower-level view of the frame

The framework is in place and mounted, showing most of the length of the frame.

Joining to the layout

This will be the trickiest transition to finally get right, as I have been scenicking this area already...

The other side

The other side of the control panel frames are up; now to the third side and panels themselves...

The left-hand end

to the left of this section will be the lift out, with the bridge.

The right-hand end

I've been using the switch controls for most of the time the layout has been built, and they will finally get a proper panel! I took advantage of the New Year's holiday and decided to work on the control panel fascias and clear up the layout room.

The local lumber store cut the strips into six and half and seven and a half inch strips.

 The City Side of the Layout

This side of the layout has a narrower fascia on account of the washer and dryer height. I will eventually build the city street out to the fascia, giving me about an extra inch of depth, and cut the top edge down in most places to match the road height.

Industrial Park Side of the Layout

The fascia is wider on this and the center section to allow for the increased number of tracks needing to be controlled.

Center Section overall view

The Center section will control the interchange yard and most of the turnouts for the industrial trackage. I have not decided whether to control the interchange yard and industrial tracks from different panels, or to spread the controls across the width of the panel.

From here it's on to the track diagrams, switch installation preparation, painting, and switch wiring.